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John M. Leone Joins as Director, Environmental Services

John M. Leone of Levittown, PA has recently joined Deborah as Director, Environmental Services.

J Leone SS
John M. Leone, Director, Environmental Services

Leone joins Deborah from Life St. Francis Medical Center in Bordentown. He brings a wide range of management skills with him to his new position including directing healthcare and restaurant food service operations, facilities management, and environmental services operations expertise.

Leone’s professional skills have benefitted numerous other healthcare facilities during his career and have established a solid track record of accomplishment, and excellent budgeting and management skills. He will be heading up a team of 40 employees at Deborah.

“It is a pleasure to welcome John to the Deborah team,” said Deborah Vice President of Support Services Sue Campano. “Deborah maintains exacting standards in our housekeeping department, and John brings those same standards with him to the Hospital. We are delighted to have his years of experience and expertise in our operations.”

Leone enjoys reading and fishing in his spare time.

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By participating in this quiz, or screening or health assessment, I recognize and accept all risks associated with it. I understand that the program will only screen for certain risk factors and does not constitute a complete physical exam. For the diagnosis of a medical problem, I must see a physician for a complete medical exam. I release Deborah Heart and Lung Center and any other organization(s) involved in this screening, and their employees and agents, from all liabilities, medical claims or expenses which may arise from my participation. Thank you for investing in your health by participating today.