Deborah patient Eddie Aray was at the hospital getting a stress test the day before his 60th birthday.
Bill Bell never had a history of heart trouble, until six years ago when he woke up in bed with a sore throat that would turn out to be an early symptom of heart failure.
Just shy of his 70th birthday, avid fitness enthusiast John Leadem was hiking in Zion National Park when he began experiencing fatigue and breathing problems.
When three-year old Bill DiMartino had open-heart surgery on July 28, 1958, he had no idea he was making history.
Pharmacy tech Allison Milk-Rowe is a 45-year old young and healthy mom, busy keeping up with her two boys. So when she started throwing up before Thanksgiving, she just assumed she had a stomach virus.
Daniel Belinsky was tired for years. The 55-year-old dad and grandpa always had obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). “It was so bad that people used to hit me in my sleep,” he recalled “and that was 31 years ago.”
When Ignatius Inserra says “Deborah is the greatest miracle to find,” he means it. The Holiday City, South resident can’t help but tell his story without saying “miracle” a lot. And with good reason.
If you’re looking for a recommendation about Deborah Heart and Lung Center, look no further than Toms River and Ralph Liloia. The Silver Ridge resident has had a triple bypass, ten stents, 12 catheterizations, and a pacemaker implanted, all within the last nine years at the Hospital. So he pretty much considers himself a local spokesperson for Deborah’s quality.
It’s not every day that Deborah Heart and Lung Center’s President and CEO Joseph Chirichella gets a letter that is so complimentary for care received at the hospital that the patient urges him to buy the medical team a new car, a new house, an all-expense paid vacation, AND, triple their salary. But this is in fact what George A. Tooks wrote to Deborah.
Seamus is a typical active teenager: he swims, he rides BMX, he plays soccer, and more. But when he began fainting for no reason, his parents took him to one of the top pediatric cardiology programs in the region at Deborah Heart and Lung Center.
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