Financial Information
Audited Financial Statements
The following documents represent the recent Deborah Heart and Lung Center’s annual audited financial statements, the latest quarterly unaudited financial statements and Form 990. These statements are presented as part of the New Jersey Department of Health’s request for transparency and are not intended to be relied upon without the consent of Deborah Heart and Lung Center.
- Deborah Heart and Lung Center 2023 Audit
- Deborah Heart and Lung Center 2022 Form 990
- Deborah 4th Qtr 2023 Financial Statement
- Deborah 3rd Qtr 2023 Financial Statement
- Deborah 2nd Qtr 2024 Financial Statement
- Deborah 1st Qtr 2024 Financial Statement
*The quarterly financial statements have not been audited and may be subject to change.
Charity Care and Uninsured
Patients requiring Public Assistance or Charity Care, advise the registration personnel or contact the Financial Counselor at (609) 893-1200 x4220 to set up an appointment.
Financial Assistance
Deborah Heart and Lung Center appropriately serves patients in difficult financial circumstances and offers financial assistance to those who have an established need to receive emergency and other medically necessary services.
Financial assistance-eligible individuals include patients who do not have insurance and patients who have insurance but are under-insured. Opportunities for financial assistance may be reviewed before or after a service is rendered. To be eligible for financial assistance, patients must cooperate with any insurance claim submission, exhaust their insurance or potential insurance coverage, and complete the financial assistance application process in full.
Income Level Above 400% Assistance Discount % Underinsured (Balance After Insurance) Discount % Up to 200% FPL* 100% Waiver of Payment 100% Waiver of Payment 201% – 300% FPL* 85% Waiver of Payment 25% Waiver of Payment 301% – 400% FPL* 75% Waiver of Payment 10% Waiver of Payment Uninsured 50% Automatic Self Pay Discount N/A *FPL = Federal Poverty Level
Patients who want to apply for financial assistance, or who have been identified as potentially eligible for financial assistance, will be informed of the application process. Completed applications will be considered within 240 days following a patient’s first billing period, or upon notification of any Extraordinary Collection Actions.
Patients or their representatives may obtain a Financial Assistance Screening Application or a full copy of Deborah’s Financial Assistance Policy in the mail by contacting Financial Counseling at (609) 893-1200, ext. 4220. Printed copies are available at registration desks at Deborah Heart and Lung Center. Digital copies are available to download and print at the top of this page.
- Financial Assistance Policy
Financial Customer Service
Representatives are available for any questions regarding hospital bills, insurance coverage, or any patient responsibilities including co-payments, co-insurance, and deductibles.
Representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 4:30pm, at (609) 893-1200, ext. 4807.
- Co-payments (co-pays) are specific dollar amounts identified in a health insurance plan that patients must pay before insurance coverage starts.
- Co-insurance is the percentage of healthcare costs a patient must pay based upon the health plan.
- Deductibles are the portion of healthcare costs a patient must pay before health insurance coverage will begin paying any healthcare claims.
After receiving healthcare services outside of The Center, patients will receive regular statements via mail advising them of the status of the account until a bill is paid in full. Should an insurance company deny payment on all or any portion of the bill, the patient will be responsible for payment.
Hospital Charges
In accordance with federal requirements, Deborah Heart and Lung Center provides information on its standard list of hospital charges. Charges are not the same as prices; prices are negotiated down for healthcare customers. To view charges, click here.
To view our diagnosis-related group (DRG) average charges, click here.
Since 2007, the state of New Jersey has provided a Hospital Price Compare website which includes a list of charges for New Jersey hospitals, plus additional consumer resources. To learn more, visit
Patients have the right to all the hospital care required for the proper diagnosis and treatment of any illness or injury. According to federal law, a patient’s discharge date must be determined solely based on medical needs, not by the diagnosis or Medicare payments. A patient is entitled to full information about decisions affecting Medicare coverage and the payment for hospital and post-hospital services.
Out-of-Network Requirements
As a specialty hospital, Deborah Heart and Lung Center is not subject to the “Out-of-Network Consumer Protection, Transparency, Cost Containment and Accountability Act.” However, if a medical provider is not employed by or under contract with Deborah (referred to as “non-Deborah providers”), that provider may be subject to out-of-network requirements and may be required to provide the patient with additional information about their in-network or out-of-network status and the patient’s financial responsibility for receiving care.
Patient Responsibilities
Deborah Heart and Lung Center (“The Center”) is a licensed New Jersey specialty hospital formed to relieve and treat without distinction as to race, gender, sexual preference, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, handicap, or ability to pay, persons suffering from acquired and congenital cardiac disease, pulmonary disease, and vascular disease, and persons suffering from other related diseases. Deborah® was founded in 1922 “for charitable purposes and to provide medical and surgical treatment to persons afflicted with cardiac and pulmonary diseases.”
As Deborah Heart and Lung Center expands to meet the needs of the community, it is important patients understand that services provided in any locations other than 200 Trenton Road, Browns Mills, New Jersey, The Center must follow standard billing practices in accordance with Federal law. The government’s special billing exemption at The Center (200 Trenton Road) does not extend to any other locations on the campus or throughout the state.
A billing file is maintained for each patient, but bills are not sent to any patient who receives services at The Center (200 Trenton Road). If a patient has insurance, The Center bills the patient’s health insurance plan for both the hospital services and for those physician services provided by employed medical staff. Alternatively, if the patient is underinsured or uninsured, Deborah provides assistance in qualifying the patient, or the financially responsible party, for any applicable Federal and/or state programs. Deborah will accept the amount paid through any of the respective Federal and/or state programs and not balance bill the patient for services at The Center.
Price Transparency
Click here to view a searchable list of Shoppable Charges or click here to download the machine-readable file.
The information on this site is provided as required by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Price Transparency Final Rule and is not a guarantee of final billed charges, which may vary from these estimates for many reasons including the individual patient’s unique medical condition, complications, unknown circumstances, other diagnoses and recommended treatments. Moreover, these estimates may not include professional fees such as physician, radiologist, anesthesiologist, and pathological fees. The insurance benefit information (where applicable) is based on information provided by insurers which may not be current on the date of a scheduled procedure, and benefits and eligibility are subject to change and are not a guarantee of payment.
Price Estimating
Deborah recognizes patients have a choice when it comes to their health care and transparency in out-of-pocket costs are important. Our goal is to provide meaningful and reliable information to help you understand prices in advance of your visit. We have put together the top inpatient and outpatient services for both self-pay individuals and those with insurance to give you an estimate of the expected pricing for commonly provided services at Deborah Heart and Lung Center. Click here to estimate your out-of-pocket costs.
Financial Representatives are available for any questions regarding hospital bills, insurance coverage, or any patient responsibilities including co-payments, co-insurance, and deductibles. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 4:30pm, at (609) 893-1200, ext. 4807.
Provider Billing
Before receiving care at a medical facility, a patient should understand the cost of that care, how much of those healthcare costs will be covered by insurance, and how much of the costs will be the patient’s responsibility to cover out-of-pocket.
When receiving care at a medical facility as a patient with health insurance, the facility will submit separate bills for hospital fees (facility charges) and provider fees (fees for services provided by a physician or other healthcare professional) to the insurance company for payment. According to the terms of the patient’s insurance policy, he or she may be responsible for portions of the bill such as co-payments, co-insurance, and deductibles.
Please note that providers’ fees are bills that cover the healthcare services a physician or other healthcare provider, such as a nurse practitioner, provided. These fees are separate from hospital fees (facility charges). Providers’ fees are NOT included in the hospital’s facility charges.
We recommend that patients also contact the insurance company to confirm the medical facility and its adjunct providers are in network with his or her specific plan and whether planned healthcare services are covered.
Patients should always check with the provider who is arranging for any healthcare services, to confirm whether or not he or she accepts the patient’s insurance. Additionally, patients should also confirm that the specific services he or she is expected to receive are covered under that health plan.