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A Cool Pool Workout for Better Health

A Cool Pool Workout for Better Health

Working out in the pool is a cool way to burn calories, strengthen muscles, improve flexibility and boost your heart health – and it’s easy on your joints. There’s no better time to hop in the water to get moving than during the summer.

There are many types of exercises you can do in the pool. Here are 5 easy exercises to try in the shallow end. Of course, you should always check with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.

  1. Grab some water weights. You can do the same types of exercises with weights in the water as you can do on land, such as bicep curls, triceps pushes, flies and rows. The main difference is that doing the exercises in water is easier on your joints. If you are unfamiliar with these exercises or using weights, consult a professional trainer or join a class.
  2. Jog in place. Keep knees high as you alternate feet in waist-high water. Jogging at a high intensity in the water can burn 17 calories a minute. Jog for 1 to 3 minute intervals and alternate with less cardio-intense exercises for a full-body workout.
  3. Bicycle pedals and crunches. Hold on to the side of the pool with your arms outstretched and your back to the edge. Pedal your legs as if you were riding a bicycle, dragging them through the water. Switch to crunches by extending legs straight out in front of you and then pulling both knees up into your chest. Do each exercise for 1 to 3 minutes.
  4. Squat jump. Extend your arms sideways at shoulder height and squat down, as if you are sitting on a chair. Jump up through the water as high as you can as you extend your arms over your head.  Repeat for 1 minute.
  5. One leg balance. Stand in waist-high water and lift one knee up, placing a noodle under your raised foot. Keep your hands by your side and balance on one leg with your foot on the middle of the noodle. Aim for 1 minute on each side. For an added challenge, lift your arms above your head as you balance.

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