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Your results indicate a High Risk for developing Heart Failure.


Based on the results of this assessment, we strongly encourage you to follow up with one of our cardiologists to discuss your risk factors and to be evaluated for heart failure. Click the button below to request an appointment.

This assessment is not intended to replace medical advice from your health care provider, but rather help you set health goals and make healthy lifestyle changes.

*Source: American Heart Association

Your Responses


Age Range

Does anyone in your family have a history of heart failure?

Do you wake up at night short of breath?

Can you walk down a flight of stairs without stopping?

Can you carry anything up a flight of stairs without stopping?

Can you engage in sexual intercourse without becoming short of breath or stopping?

Can you garden, rake or weed without becoming short of breath and stopping?

Can you ride a bicycle, dance, or do similar activities without becoming short of breath and stopping?

Can you walk briskly from a parking lot to a store without becoming short of breath and stopping (equivalent to a 15 minute mile)?

Request An Appointment

Terms & Conditions

By participating in this quiz, or screening or health assessment, I recognize and accept all risks associated with it. I understand that the program will only screen for certain risk factors and does not constitute a complete physical exam. For the diagnosis of a medical problem, I must see a physician for a complete medical exam. I release Deborah Heart and Lung Center and any other organization(s) involved in this screening, and their employees and agents, from all liabilities, medical claims or expenses which may arise from my participation. Thank you for investing in your health by participating today.