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Deborah Implants Next Generation MitraClip™ Device

MitraClip G4 Allows for Minimally-Invasive Leaky Heart Valve Repair in Patients with Challenging Anatomy

Deborah Heart and Lung Center has announced two successful implants of the newly approved MitraClip™ G4 device, which provides heart valve repair — without surgery — to patients with leaking mitral valves.

Mitral regurgitation (MR), or a leaky heart valve, is caused when the heart’s mitral valve leaflets are unable to close effectively. Rather than allowing blood to flow out to the body as it should, the faulty valve pushes blood backwards within the heart, disrupting proper blood flow. This condition can also cause the heart’s left chamber to become enlarged, making it difficult for the heart to pump blood.

The condition is progressive, worsening over time, and is debilitating to patients. Open-heart surgery was the long-standing sole treatment option for mitral valve repair.

The MitraClip is a small device that clips the valve leaflets together, allowing them to function properly. The device is inserted through a catheter threaded from the groin to the heart, bypassing the risks, complications, and extended recovery from open-heart surgery.

“Deborah has been performing MitraClip procedures for some time now, with excellent results” said cardiac interventionist Vincent Varghese, DO. “This next generation device — the MitraClip G4 – enables us to tailor the repairs with additional clip sizes. There have also been advancements in new leaflet grasping technology for optimal clip position and real time monitoring of the pressure in the patient’s left atrium.”

Dr. Varghese said these enhanced features will greatly expand the pool of patients eligible to receive the minimally-invasive clip.

“There are many patients, because of their challenging anatomy, who were not candidates for a transcatheter mitral valve repair,” he added. “This new device is a welcome addition to our toolbox, and will greatly benefit more patients with severely leaky valves.”

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