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Doing Dry January? Here Are Tips for Success

Doing Dry January? Here Are Tips for Success

Have you had a bit too much fun during the holidays? Feel like your body could use a detox from alcohol for a while? If so, you may want to jump on the trend followed by millions of people at the start of the new year. Referred to as Dry January, many choose to start the year off with a clean slate by not drinking any alcohol for the month.

Cutting out alcohol, even if only for a month, can make a difference in your health. It may help you lose weight, sleep better and have more energy. It may even lower blood pressure and cholesterol while improving your immune system and memory. What’s even better is that many people find that after spending a month being alcohol-free, they no longer feel the need to drink much – or any – alcohol. That means you may experience even more significant health benefits over the long run.

If you’re ready to kick your beer, wine or spirits to the curb for the month (or forever), here are some tips to help you be more successful:

  1. Get rid of alcohol at home. Just as with any temptation, it’s easier to go without if you don’t have easy access. So rid your home of beer, wine or spirits. If you plan to go back to drinking after the month is over, ask a friend or family member to hold onto your stash if you’re not willing to get rid of it.
  2. Find alternatives to your drink of choice. Some people turn to alcohol to unwind or have fun. Find alternatives to enjoy so you don’t feel like you’re missing out. Sip on sparkling water with berries or create a mocktail that mimics your favorite drink. This alcohol-free margarita is festive or make a virgin bloody mary that’s spicy and savory.
  3. Lessen your temptations. Do you always drink with certain people or in specific environments? If so, change things up so you’re less likely to be tempted. Ask friends to get together for a game night instead of going to the bar. Take a walk before dinner instead of relaxing with a cocktail. Bring a festive mocktail to share with others if you’re heading to a party.
  4. Challenge others to go dry with you. Since so many people partake in Dry January, it may not be hard to get friends or family members to commit to an alcohol-free month along with you. Doing it together may make it easier as you find new ways to relax, unwind and have fun without alcohol.
  5. Reward yourself along the way. Some people find it easy to give up alcohol for the month while for others it’s more of a challenge. To stay motivated, reward yourself for abstaining. Treat yourself to a new outfit, spa treatment or dinner out with the money saved from not drinking. Or simply pat yourself on the back for taking steps to improve your physical and mental health.

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