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November is Diabetes Awareness Month

Endocrinologist Navinder Jassil, MD has some important advice to share regarding diabetes prevention. Screenings, noticing early warning signs and making healthy lifestyle choices are key factors to early intervention and long-term optimal health.

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Dr. Frank Discusses Sleep Deprivation on PHL17

Sleep specialist and pulmonologist Marcella Frank, DO, discusses how sleep deprivation impacts your health. Potential health problems include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and more.

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10 Ideas for Healthy Thanksgiving Leftovers

The secret to loving leftovers is knowing how to transform them into new and exciting meals. We share ideas for turning your turkey into everything from pizza and spring rolls to pot pie or quesadillas.

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How to Create a Diabetes Meal Plan

By planning meals and snacks when you have diabetes, it makes it easier to keep your blood sugar levels steadier while ensuring you get the nutrition you need. Learn More »

This is What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Smoking

No matter how long you’ve been a smoker, your body will experience many benefits of being smoke-free, with some happening just 20 minutes after your last cigarette. Learn More »

Holiday Turkey

No matter how many guests you host this season, a golden roasted whole turkey makes any holiday table complete. This herbed citrus version is moist and flavorful. Learn More »

Easy Pumpkin Bread

The flavors of fall come together in this moist, delicious recipe for healthy pumpkin bread. Wrap individual slices for a quick and tasty on-the-go breakfast or snack. Learn More »

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