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10 Reasons to Donate Blood

Pathologist Betsy Schloo, MD knows that blood transfusions are critical to surgical success and can often mean the difference between life and death. Dr. Schloo says she has never seen the available supply of blood and platelets so low. Blood donations dropped dramatically during COVID-19 and Deborah is encouraging those who are eligible to donate blood.

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Can You Have Diabetes and Not Know It? Part 2

Over 500 million people are living with diabetes, and as many as half are undiagnosed. Listen to endocrinologist, Navinder Jassil, MD discuss the disease and how to live well after diagnosis.

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Is It Really Worth It to Make Resolutions?

The answer is yes, but these tips can ensure your resolutions are positive, realistic, and attainable.

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5 Tips to Help You Commit to Be Fit

If you’re ready to commit to exercising regularly, these tips can help you stick with your routine. Learn More »

What Happens When You Worry Too Much?

Occasional stress or anxiety is normal, but worrying too much may be negatively affecting your health. Learn More »

Beef and Sweet Potato Stew

Accented with flavors of coffee and chocolate, this sirloin tip beef stew is a hearty dinner for a winter night. Learn More »

Blueberry Baked Oatmeal

Try these for a healthy, on-the-go breakfast that will satisfy you without unnecessary calories. Learn More »

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